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Human Resources Heads

Need to address these crucial queries:

  • How well does one take hiring and firing decisions?
  • Do my team understand the analytics ecosystem?
  • Has my team shifted from a reactive to more proactive approach
  • Are my team members productive… based on data, and not gut feel?



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Business Analytics

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Functional Analytics

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Prescriptive Analytics

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Intervention Introduction

Decision making undoubtedly is the crux of any managerial activity. Thus any tool or technique that facilitates decision making acquires paramount importance. Quantitative techniques over a period of time have acquired this stature. The primary reason for this is the fact that every aspect of corporate working, across hierarchy to profiles, involves numbers. Thus the ability to fathom numbers and the skill to make numbers speak by itself becomes an absolutely important skill set. Another reason for managers to acquire mastery over quantitative techniques is that it converts decision making from an art to a science.

While there is no doubting experience in facilitating decision making, expertise in quantitative techniques enables minimizing the risk involved in decision making by clubbing experience with appropriate tools and techniques. Having stated the importance of quantitative techniques, the unfortunate scenario is that very few managers actually use even the common basic tools and techniques for analyzing data.

Further, an unfortunate scenario of corporate India is the myth that HR professionals do not need quantitative abilities or the assumption that HR as a domain can get away with number crunching. This false assumption could perhaps also be a reason for HR professionals faltering on their quantitative abilities.

This three-day workshop is customized for HR professionals to help them:

  • Understand the role of analytics in the HR Domain
  • Equip them with simple and basic techniques that shall enable better decision making

This modular program is designed to showcase the virtually unlimited opportunities that exist today to leverage the power of business analytics. It focuses on a gamut of questions ranging from strategic to operational matters pertaining to a firm’s business analytics initiatives, metrics to capture relevant outcomes to link the data to business performance. The program will help gain an understanding of how managers use business analytics to formulate and solve business problems and to support managerial decision making using selected business analytics software.

Intervention Methodology

A week before the intervention, Mailers are sent out to the participants with links on what to read? The intervention, by itself, includeds three days of intense training.

After the 3 day intervention, the participant would ned to take part in a set of learning nudges that would be hosted on a portal from time to time – this would include videos and relevant articles. Additionally, at the end of 3 days, all the participants will be given a case study which they would have to solve and submit at the earliest. Discussion on the Case Study over a Skypecall with the facilitator, Dr Kalim Khan, would be pre-sceduled.

Scoring & Certificate distribution – The learning nudges and the case study would be scored.