Need to address these crucial queries:
- Am i taking well informed decisions?
- Do my teams talk specifics and makes plans with data backed insights?
- Have the investments i have made in technology being used the right way to produce business results?
- Are my teams making Business Sense and not data or gut sense
- Do my key people have the ability to draw insights the ability to draw insights?
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Business Analytics
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh.
Functional Analytics
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Prescriptive Analytics
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Intervention Introduction
In the past 20 years or so, manufacturers have been able to reduce waste and variability in their production processes and dramatically improve product quality and yield (the amount of output per unit of input) by implementing lean and Six Sigma programs. However, in certain processing environments—pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and mining, for instance—extreme swings in variability are a fact of life, sometimes even after lean techniques have been applied. Given the sheer number and complexity of production activities that influence yield in these and other industries, manufacturers need a more granular approach to diagnosing and correcting process flaws. Advanced analytics provides just such an approach.
Advanced analytics refers to the application of statistics and other mathematical tools to business data in order to assess and improve practices (exhibit). In manufacturing, operations managers can use advanced analytics to take a deep dive into historical process data, identify patterns and relationships among discrete process steps and inputs, and then optimize the factors that prove to have the greatest effect on yield. Many global manufacturers in a range of industries and geographies now have an abundance of real-time shop-floor data and the capability to conduct such sophisticated statistical assessments. They are taking previously isolated data sets, aggregating them, and analyzing them to reveal important insights.
Intervention Methodology
A week before the intervention, Mailers are sent out to the participants with links on what to read? The intervention, by itself, includeds three days of intense training.
After the 3 day intervention, the participant would ned to take part in a set of learning nudges that would be hosted on a portal from time to time – this would include videos and relevant articles. Additionally, at the end of 3 days, all the participants will be given a case study which they would have to solve and submit at the earliest. Discussion on the Case Study over a Skypecall with the facilitator, Dr Kalim Khan, would be pre-sceduled.
Scoring & Certificate distribution – The learning nudges and the case study would be scored.